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Local Information >> Restaurant Reports >> New Chinese Buffet Open In Amposta ! Brill

Message started by William of Orange on May 31st, 2009 at 2:30pm

Title: New Chinese Buffet Open In Amposta ! Brill
Post by William of Orange on May 31st, 2009 at 2:30pm
Well im not one for eating out much as her indoors has a very limited palate. But we had received excellent reports from friends of a new Cinese Buffet Restarant thats been open a month or so now. It is aptly named Restaurante Buffete Amposta and claims Cocina Asiatica e Internacional

It had been descibed as being a fantastic choice of buffet fare with the ability to select fresh vegs and meats from a separate kitchen area and have them cooked fresh on the wok or grill to your liking.

Well a surprise birthday party was in order for one of my friends and after reccomending the new place a booking for 25 of us was made for a Friday evening birthday bash, the party was a fair mix of english and catalonians.  

The premises are new and modern having a separate room for smokers the main buffet hall is a smoke free zone. To the left is the main buffet tables and to the right is the kitchen cook area open for all to see.

The choice of food on the buffet area was outstanding, if memory does this justice here are a few things i can remember.Roast Duck,Suckling Pig,Gammon Joints, Battered Chicken Full Roast Chicken,Satay Chicken , Beef in some mild Chinese Sauce   Chinese Dumplings,a plethora  of sea food to keep those that like the stuff well pleased including ells, prawns sushi and other dead aquatic fare. The snails seemed a big hit with the locals also.  For those who like simpler fare there was chips sausages every type of salad fresh pan, along with numerous pasta and rice dishes hot and cold.I would say the buffet counter is 70 foot long. I cant remember any of our party trying the freshly grilled or woked food as the choice was outstanding from the buffet alone !

Then on to Postres lots of fresh fruits, Tortes, Ice Creams , custard slice, a bit like UK Vanilla Slice, again the choice was outstanding including some very exotic fresh fruits

In our party of 25 everyone was well impressed eat as much as you want the food looked good tasted good was hot when it should be and chilled when it shouldnt.My wife who as said at the beginning is a fuddy duddy when it comes to non english fare  throughly enjoyed here evening out and was looking forward to going again.  Most of the evenings chit chat was about how superb the place and food was Catalans and us Brits

Prices If memory serves me right

Mon/Fri lunch time 8.50e
Mon/Thursday evening  9.50e
Friday evening all day SataurdaySunday lunch and all festivals 12.50e
Sunday evening 9.50e excluding festivals
Ninos de menores 8 anos 5.95e

Drinks were very reasonable so they dont sting you there either.

Adress Avga Catalunya 19 43570 Amposta Tel 977 708458

Location Nearest Landmark is the large Eroski Supermarket next to the N340 get to there then travel away from the supermarket back towards town away from the N340 and you will come to a mini roundabout turn first right and its on the left next to the tabacs l

Enjoy WoO

Opps for got opening times :o

Mananas 1130-a 16.00 h
Tardes de 19.30 a 24.00 h

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