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General Chat Topics >> In the news >> Ahh, the proud Brits on holiday

Message started by PlanesPete on Apr 1st, 2010 at 7:41pm

Title: Re: Ahh, the proud Brits on holiday
Post by roswell on Apr 2nd, 2010 at 2:20pm
It was just El Pais stirring it up with the old anti Brit drinking/viking/pirate thing, the UK press finding a good story falling in their laps, but the locals do not seem too bothered, glad for the cash ....

Salou defiende que los jóvenes universitarios no han provocado actos vandálicos

El Ayuntamiento de Salou defendió hoy en un comunicado que los jóvenes ingleses que han estado los últimos días en el municipio, no han provocado desórdenes públicos, ni peleas, ni han protagonizado actos vandálicos con daños al mobiliario urbano o a los bienes privados.

Salou argues that university students have not led to vandalism

Salou City Council defended in a statement that the young Englishmen who have spent the last days in the county, have not led to public disturbances or fights, or have been involved in acts of vandalism with damage to furniture or private property.

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