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Message started by Greg on Apr 6th, 2010 at 2:14pm

Title: Re: Cedula de Habitabilidad
Post by Greg on Jul 10th, 2010 at 2:35pm

wrote on Jul 9th, 2010 at 7:42pm:

wrote on Jul 9th, 2010 at 4:31pm:

JamJarChris wrote on Jul 9th, 2010 at 9:08am:
Good news - I think.

Some friends of ours finally received their cedula yesterday.

So there is a way - it is just finding it that is the trick

Could you give more details please.  Unfortunately there's no trick.  Unless the house AND land are urbanised or it has an original building license (this is not the same as a Declaracion de Obra Nueva) cedula's are still not being issued.  In fact the town halls are still waiting for instructions from Habitatge as to how to proceed with the issue of initial certificates that are then sent to Habitatge with the cedula de habitabilidad application.  These instructions were due at the end of June following the API/Carme Trilla meeting, but it's been 'manana' ever since.

Unfortunately I don't think this is what it seems, unless they have an original building license. It may be that they have the initial certificate (also called a cedula, but not a cedula de habitabilidad) from the town hall.

GREG this is very confusing,we have a vivienda uso residencial sitting on urbano land it was built in the 70s it must have had a building licence as it is legal (but we were not given it when we got the deeds )and we have payed taxs on the house from when we bought it in 1994 .we are told we cant get a cedula de habitabilidad its all so mixed up.we have a letter from MINISTERIO DE ECONOMICA Y HACIENDA DATED 03/04/2008 confirming what we have and still cant get one crazy or what :-/

Hi nen,

The whole thing is crazy but unfortunately the law changed last November and since then no cedula's have been issued for rural properties.

Although you have a vivienda sitting on urban land, if the land surrounding the house is rustic then the house is still termed as rustic.  Our house is also 'urban' in that the footprint of the house is listed as urban on the catastral, however the surrounding land is rustic and this is where the problem lies with the new law.

However there is one ray of hope for any rustic property that can be proved to have been built before 11 August 1984.  There is now authority to issue cedula's for these properties but town hall's are still waiting for clarification from habitatge as to what documentation they need to issue.  This clarification was due at the end of June but it still hasn't been issued and until it is the town halls cannot issue the document needed for the cedula application to be submitted.

You are probably in a good position if you can prove your house was built before 1984 but until habitatge issue the guidelines for town hall's nothing can be done.

I hope this helps.

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