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Message started by jools on Sep 13th, 2010 at 8:52pm

Title: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by jools on Sep 13th, 2010 at 8:52pm
Looks like the goal posts have been moved again for applying for a NIE number at the police in Tortosa.

You now cannot use the walk in service and take a ticket, you have to make an appointment. Hopefully you also speak Spanish/Catalan to make the appointment!!!!!!

This morning the first available appointment was for the 21st September, then you have to wait for 3 days after that for the actual certificate.

This means that if you want to get a NIE and buy a property in one trip, you will need to stay for approximately 2 weeks.

Also, at La Caixa bank today with 2 clients, they informed us that money coming into Spain from ALL other countries will take a full week to hit your account. Something to do with new security measures introduced recently.

So, in my estimations that's another 2 hurdles to cross if you are wanting to come here to live (are we all sure they really want us here?)

I think somebody spent their Summer dreaming up how to make the red tape even harder to cross.

Who in their right mind wants to spend half of their annual holidays waiting for certificates and documents, and that's if it all goes according to plan.......huh... :-/

If anyone knows of another place with an easier system I'm all ears!


Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by hazelnut on Sep 13th, 2010 at 9:02pm
We woop de doody as you say jools they couldn't make it any harder if they tried, I hope some of this crap comes back and bites them in the bum, as they are already have  up to 24% unemployment why not make things even worse and stop money coming into the country and create obstacles for new investors, Sound like a really good idea!!

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by fatphil on Sep 14th, 2010 at 10:45am
Are potential buyers still coming into the area to buy property?
Because with all the problems being shown on the TV and in the newspapers,I would of thought no one in their right mind would want to buy in Spain fullstop.
The Government obviously have a devious plan that no one,especially Foreigners is aware of.

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by jools on Sep 14th, 2010 at 10:37pm
Hi Phil,
Yes people are still coming to buy, but as you already know we actually sell in Aragon, but because of the geography of the area, and bordering Catalunya we always bring the clients down to Tortosa to obtain their NIE numbers.
It all just seems so damned ridiculous that they spent all that money on building a purpose made office for NIE applications, to change to another system which obviously is not going to work for foreigners, but like you say that could all be part of the master plan!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by ebrorob on Sep 16th, 2010 at 11:35am
Hi Jools
Sounds like it may be a reaction to what happened last September at the police office in Tortosa.  I had to renew my residencia last September and the only way to get to see somebody was queue up at least 7 am to be one of the 50 people which, we were told by the police receptionist, would be guaranteed to be seen.  The unofficial queue was run by a team of east europeans who had a list system and surprise surprise, there were at least 50 names already on the list when I got there although there were only 5 or 6 people already in the queue. I duly added my name as the 51st person on the list.  I tried to buck the trend however, and queue behind the 6th person, but within the hour before the police office opened I was openly pushed and jostled to the back as more people whose names I assume were before me on this list, turned up at leisure. Of course, I was lucky to get seen that day as a couple of people ahead of me were removed from the queue seemingly their papers were not correct.  It was an awful experience.  The ticket machine was intentionally out of use and the queueing system was the only way to get seen at that time.  Maybe there is an extra influx of 'extranjeros' into the area during this month every year, perhaps for seasonal work.  I know that the staffing levels in the police office are low due to holidays etc. at this time of year.  What was surprising was to be told by 2 English acquaintances that they had had no problem in obtaining their residencia renewals when they visited the office at the end of September last year. They just waltzed in at around 10.30 and picked up a ticket and were seen straight away. So it could just be a seasonal way to deal with additional work at the police office.

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by hazelnut on Sep 17th, 2010 at 8:22am
And your not used to walking backwards Rob!! ;D ;D

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by ebrorob on Sep 18th, 2010 at 8:34pm
Normally only for christmas Stuart!  ;)

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by Jeff on Sep 20th, 2010 at 6:39pm
Hi Jools

Going back to the NIE application, I've used Reus for several years now. I know it's a bit of a haul from deepest Aragon though...

No appointment required so no need to go back another day to submit the application, and the longest I've ever had to wait is 40 minutes. The document itself usually takes 2-3 days.

Note that the address on the application form needs to be in the area that corresponds to Reus police station.

The staff --three rather poker-faced middle-aged ladies-- are knowledgable and organized.

Much, much easier than Tortosa or Tarragona.

Not that I have many clients that need NIE numbers these days - most of my buyers are Spanish.

Hope this helps

Jeff in Tarragona

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by jools on Sep 20th, 2010 at 9:51pm
Hi Jeff,

Many thanks for that, my Spanish associate called them the other day and was told pretty much the same thing. Yes it is a bit of a trawl, I agree, but if it means that the service is quicker and the clients are happy that's all that matters really.


Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by simonette on Apr 17th, 2011 at 9:32am
I had to get my NIE number in February 2011 in Tortosa. At that time it was no longer possible to make an appointment. At 8 o'clock you will receive a number so you know when it's your turn. Outside it is not clear where the line begins or ends. Just make sure you be there well before 8 a.m.

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by ginestargal on Jul 18th, 2011 at 6:35pm
Update on getting a NIE at Tortosa, we walked into the office onFriday at 10am and was seen by 11.30am and now just have to return on Tues to pick up certificate. We were seen by a lovely policeman at the desk who could of done more to help us, all in all painless!

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa // residency
Post by Ebrovoice on Jul 19th, 2011 at 10:42pm
Well things change quickly. We were there today at 9am and didnt get seen before 1.30pm today. The bobby was more than helpful. but what has happened he explained is the residents have complained about people queuing outside from early doors.  So now you have to go to the Police station by the park and be assigned your number from there and then come back and wait. This was already our 3rd visit to get our residency renewed. But they took pity on me as my hubby wasn't well and wheelchaired bound and also my old mum  -they just wrote out a hand written number.
they also informed me it was permanent and I didn't need to get it renewed! Yipee!!! ::) :) ;)

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by Corbera1 on Apr 23rd, 2012 at 11:15am
Here's my experience, over two days last week, at Tortosa to get an NIE...

Arrive outside (good free car parking) by 06h15. It's not the actual police station, but offices on Passeig de Ribera.

An informal list is available (at least, it was on both days I was there), and make sure your name is on it. Look to the right of the door, on a shelf, under a stone. Someone queueing may be there to help you. If cold, it's fine to sit in your car, until 07h50 at least.

My experience was: if you are 33rd on the list (first day), you probably won't get in. If 16th, you probably will. Spanish nationals are sorted at 8 am into one queue, and everyone else (EU and non-EU) into another. How many in the 'other' queue will get through the door will be determined, I think, by the number of Spanish applicants on the day and perhaps by the number of appointments.

Come prepared with your form. You can type in the details online and then save it as a pdf and print it out. Make sure you have details of the property you are buying available. Remember your passport!

You will be given a printed number. Watch the number display like a hawk - they won't wait unless you go to the appropriate desk very promptly (format is something like 0417MESA10, meaning number 0417 should go to desk 10), and you will miss your turn.

Once seen and processed, you will have to take a form to the bank to pay for the process - 16 euros, thereabouts. Caixa will not do it unless you have a bank account with them. Santander will. There are two branches within 10 minutes' walk.

Head back to the office by two. On production of the receipted form, you will get another form with your NIE handwritten on it. This is not the final document, but it can be used for legal purposes before the notary - at least before the notary I went to.

You have to go back three days later for your formal document. Between 09h00 and 12h00. No queueing. No printed number needed.

My impression was that the beginning of the week was busier than the latter end, but...

... if you want the NIE the same week, I suggest you go for the first time on a Monday or Tuesday, and you'll get it on the Thursday or Friday.

You can make an appointment for a day sometime ahead. When I went, they were offering them about 10 days hence.

Crazy system - but it does work.

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by robo on Apr 23rd, 2012 at 12:00pm
we got ours in reus last november the hardest thing was finding a parking spot we did have to return the next day the whole proses takes about 30 minutes

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by John on Jul 21st, 2012 at 2:56am
Does anybody know what the current situation is with regards to applications / appointments etc? I just googled the police staion in Tortosa and googlemaps shows a huge amount of people outside. Is this form in the links the most current form?

Assistance would really be appreciated because we are coming over in a few weeks and need to apply this time round!

If an appointment is needed, is there a phone number we can call?

Many thanks in advance,
John and Iris.

NIE_APPLICATION.jpg (Attachment deleted)

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by Bigyin on Jul 21st, 2012 at 9:56am
Don't know where that photo comes from John.
Applications used to be made at the police station by the park but last time I heard it was at a new office by the river.
Can't help with appointments etc. but there are others on here who know the score.  Try searching the forums.
Will you be "on line" while you're over here ?  If so, someone can guide you in when you get here.  If you're worried about it, let us know on here and I (or others) will try to get more info for you.

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by avalidopinion on Jul 21st, 2012 at 11:13pm
The British Embassy has issued an unofficial translation of order 1490, dated 9th July 2012, with regards to the significant points which indicate that the central government now requires that employed and self-employed applicants provide supporting documentation to this effect, and that those without employment can either A) Provide proof of holding private health insurance or, B) In the case of Pensioners, provide proof that they are entitled to access to the Spanish state healthcare through arrangements made with the government of their home country.

Furthermore, applicants must also prove that they have sufficient resources (or income) not to become a burden on the state.  ::) ::) ::) ::)

In addition to the above, students must provide documentation supporting their course enrolment details.

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by hemyinspain on Sep 2nd, 2013 at 12:00pm
I wonder if anyone can update me please.
We have had our NIE's for years but my sons needs renewing and my hubby has never had one so needs to get one.
We are living in L'Aldea so Tortosa would be best but I am disabled so would need an appointment ideally. Does anyone have the number I need to ring?
I note that some people mention that the whole proceedure is easier in Reus, if so then I guess we can go there, we have always done ours at Tarragona so far.
Thanks in advance

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by Ritaratbag on Sep 2nd, 2013 at 1:18pm
N.I.E numbers are for life. Very important here.
To be able to buy a house, get on the health system,
have a car etc. you need one.
Only empadraments, and Residencia change or renewed?
I am surprised that your husband does not have an N.I.E
number already, having lived  and driven in Tarragona area, before moving to L'Aldea.
The offices in Tortosa, down by the river, are easy to access, even if you are disabled, and maybe in a wheelchair.

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by hemyinspain on Sep 2nd, 2013 at 5:15pm
Thanks, yes I understand they are now for life but my sons ran out before that rule came in and in Tarragona you cannot simply turn up, you need to make an appointment in advance so I wondered if anyone knows the number for Tortosa or if they do accept the turning up method.
My husband has been living and working in the UK for half of the year until I got very sick.

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by Ritaratbag on Sep 2nd, 2013 at 5:18pm
Sorry don't know the phone number.
But, you can just turn up there, take a ticket and wait your turn.
Should be plenty of parking nearby for you.

Title: Re: NIE number in Tortosa
Post by John on Sep 5th, 2013 at 12:11pm
There is no longer an appointment system in Tortosa. We went a few weeks ago and were told to come back another day. The reason being they now only process a maximum of 20 applications per day and they had gone by 9:05 (the office opens at 9am). You have to take pot luck. We  stayed overnight less than 300 yards from the office and could see people queing from around 6:30 am!

We gave up.


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