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Message started by Smidge on Apr 14th, 2012 at 9:41pm

Title: Black Fly
Post by Smidge on Apr 14th, 2012 at 9:41pm
Hi all. I have just had my first encounter with the black fly. I am impressed by the ability of the little b****** to inflict pain. Any advice in dealing with this little blighter would be appreciated.

Title: Re: Black Fly
Post by Bigyin on Apr 14th, 2012 at 10:03pm
Baby powder helps with the pain.  Rub it in.

Title: Re: Black Fly
Post by Tony on Apr 14th, 2012 at 10:28pm
I think that I have said this before but I always apply Betadine gel which provides an almost immediate pain relief.

Title: Re: Black Fly
Post by Nigel on Apr 15th, 2012 at 8:49am
Apply Natural Honey Body Lotion to all exposed parts before you go out, they should then leave you alone. However, make sure you get the 'Origina Formulal' one as there are (or were) two versions, the newer of which doesn't work.  Alternatively Soldebre sell lotions you can use - look for stuff labelled for 'Mosca negre'.

At least the mosquitos are stealthy and you don't know you are being bitten. These little flies certainly know how to inflict pain!

Title: Re: Black Fly
Post by Nobrot on Apr 15th, 2012 at 10:03am
They seem to attracted to noise,breath,vibration and sweat.They are alway prevelant when strimming,chainsawing,ploughing and a few other figorous outdoor activities.Always wear protection.

Title: Re: Black Fly
Post by jackflorrie1 on Apr 15th, 2012 at 8:13pm
i didnt realise condoms helped  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Black Fly
Post by Smidge on Apr 15th, 2012 at 11:04pm
Thanks for the advice everyone and Jack if a black fly gets to your willie and leaves  bites like I have on my leg you will wish that you were wearing a condom.

Title: Re: Black Fly
Post by briand6868 on Apr 16th, 2012 at 12:27am
Smidge -Talking about willies!!!- I saw what I think were black fly in a urinal in a petrol station on the n340 the other day - 3 buggers just perched there.

Title: Re: Black Fly
Post by avalidopinion on Apr 16th, 2012 at 2:20am
Love the ladies and gents door handles.  :D
Loo_Doors.jpg (Attachment deleted)

Title: Re: Black Fly
Post by Campeche on May 8th, 2012 at 5:00pm

Nigel wrote on Apr 15th, 2012 at 8:49am:
Apply Natural Honey Body Lotion to all exposed parts before you go out, they should then leave you alone. However, make sure you get the 'Origina Formulal' one as there are (or were) two versions, the newer of which doesn't work.  Alternatively Soldebre sell lotions you can use - look for stuff labelled for 'Mosca negre'.

At least the mosquitos are stealthy and you don't know you are being bitten. These little flies certainly know how to inflict pain!

Hi there
Will any Natural Honey Body Lotion brand do?

Cheers ....

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