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Message started by John on May 12th, 2012 at 2:29pm

Title: Living on the Campo?
Post by John on May 12th, 2012 at 2:29pm
Out of curiosity and to put someones mind at rest, I wonder if people here might offer some info...

We know it is not possible at the moment to erect living accommodation on Rustic Land or to live on rustic land. Only buildings which are complementary to agriculture can be erected- and then only with a technical report from an architect to justify doing so. However, many estate agents are still selling land 'suitable for caravans' or 'suitable for wooden cabins' etc.

Knowing that many estate agents are selling such fincas and that people are buying such fincas and living on them, we were wondering how many people are actually living on fincas and what - if any - problems are they encountering from the local town halls/councils? I'm not talking about problems with cedulahs etc. this is an entirely different subject. How many people here are being told to move off their land?

On a slightly related subject with regards to camping, it is illegal in Spain to 'Wild Camp' and camping/cravaning is only allowed on registered campsites. But - what about putting a tent on your own land for tempary visitors? what is the situation here?

If someone is able to say what the situation actually is, rather than what they think the situation is it would be really helpful.  :-?

Many thanks,

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