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Help or Advice >> Help and Advice Wanted >> Living on the Campo?

Message started by John on May 12th, 2012 at 2:29pm

Title: Re: Living on the Campo?
Post by Pondgirl on May 13th, 2012 at 2:33pm
We have a yurt which we have had up for months at a time with people staying in it and have never had a problem.  As far as I  can make out no-one seems to mind if the accomodation is temporary, you can even sleep in your almacen as long as it is only a temporary arrangement.

As for 'wild camping' it usually goes unnoticed, mainly I guess because there is so much countryside and very few Rurals.  We don't mind people making overnight stays on our finca as long as they don't make a mess or steal anything...obviously.

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