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Message started by David_S on Jun 5th, 2012 at 9:39pm

Title: heating
Post by David_S on Jun 5th, 2012 at 9:39pm
Hello all.  We recently bought a village house (old stone house) in Alfara de Carles and are now trying to figure out how we're going to heat it this winter. There are two fireplaces in the house (one with an insert), and a "heat pump" that doesn't.
We are exploring a boiler using pellets with radiators, but that will cost a few bob to purchase and install, to put it mildly. Some locals have told us just to put a cheap wood stove in the room we want to be warm in and we may try that, but we'd like to look at some more comprehensive solutions. If anyone has any advice, suggestions, contacts, experience or expertise, we'd be very  grateful.  Thanks, David.

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