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Message started by Sherlock on Jan 16th, 2013 at 3:07pm

Title: Xerta petrol station resteraunt
Post by Sherlock on Jan 16th, 2013 at 3:07pm
Just reopened under new management.
It's now open in the evenings as well.
Went there yesterday to try the lunch menu & was well pleased with it.
Typical catalan cooking & 4 courses with about 5 options on each course for about 8€
If you like a big portion you will not be disappointed  trust me, I like my food but could not even finish the 3rd course (sepia one of my favorites).
Add on wine bread bottle of pop 2 cofee's total 10.50€
Best value menu I've had so far.
Get there quick before they realise they can't make a living like that & reduce portion sizes.

Title: Re: Xerta petrol station resteraunt
Post by skibob on Jan 16th, 2013 at 5:16pm
Sounds good to me. What are his prices in the evening? 8-)

Title: Re: Xerta petrol station resteraunt
Post by Tarayoles on Jan 17th, 2013 at 8:43am
Totally agree with Sherlock, 6 of us went yesterday, 4 courses, wine,coffee and a couple of drinks ,63€. Far too much to eat, so take a doggie bag.Hope they continue to do well.

Title: Re: Xerta petrol station resteraunt
Post by ebrorob on Jun 24th, 2013 at 4:46pm
This Restaurant is now named "Mig cami".Went for "Menu Del dia" last week,OK, now perhaps less choice than when they first opened,but still 10.50 €uros for 4 courses,including Wine,water & coffee.I had a green salad to start,followed by a Spinach & goats cheese salad & main course was a very tasty beef bourguignon.Postre was a type of cheese cake with a fruit berry topping.Wine was good & my coffee a cognac carajillo.This is,I feel,very good value & their Menu,far more adventurous than I have had locally.The owners were very efficient & friendly.Well worth a visit if you are down that way.

Title: Re: Xerta petrol station resteraunt
Post by Tarayoles on Jul 8th, 2013 at 7:01pm
Totally agree with other posts, they have new hours for July and August. Mon-Fri 7am- midnight .Sats at 4pm . reopen at 8 until midnight. As before food and ambiance is great.

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