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Local Information >> Other useful stuff >> Re: Spantel billing system ...this is an outrage! Message started by Ebrovoice on Feb 6th, 2013 at 11:07am |
Title: Re: Spantel billing system ...this is an outrage! Post by Nigel on Feb 6th, 2013 at 12:31pm
Also be very aware of :
1. BT (also known as Arakkis). My parents signed up to have their calls charged through Arakkis. Arakkis then started charging them for the line rental. They were paying Movistar for the rental. Arakkis claimed that there was a service charge (according to their website there isn't). My parents ended up being threatened with a court case if they didn't pay what Arakkis claimed they owed. 2. Movistar (1) Last August I changed someone from BT to Eurona. Part of the transfer (I have no idea why!) involves passing the number via Movistar. Movistar then started charging for rental of a phone that my customer didn't have. Again, when it wasn't paid, threatening letters from lawyers. 3. Movistar (2) Someone who changed to Eurona about 3 years ago was being charged by Movistar for a phone he didn't have. He thought it was for line rental so kept paying. Movistar started charging from when he transferred his line to Eurona. If you have a Movistar contract CHECK YOUR BILL. If you have in the Resumen por servicio something like 'Alquilar Telefono Domo' or 'Domo 2 blanco' or anything else to do with Domo, this is the Movistar (Telefonica) phone. If you haven't got a phone call them and tell them and (if you can) ask for a refund 'devolucion'. |
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