Tortosa Area Forum
Local Information >> Other useful stuff >> Holiday Rentals

Message started by Smidge on May 21st, 2013 at 9:29pm

Title: Re: Holiday Rentals
Post by Pondgirl on May 22nd, 2013 at 4:35pm
It's not very informative or accurate though, is it?  The first para says "Holiday lettings in Catalonia will soon be controlled by restrictive local laws, as the Government in Madrid moves to devolve the regulation of holiday rentals to Spain’s 17 autonomous regions."  Yet the article it refers back to says "Private holiday rentals will be restricted in many popular tourist areas in favour of the hotel industry, if a new draft law is passed."  So the law hasn't even been passed yet and it doesn't say what the 'restrictive local laws' entail or how they might impact on anyone.  If there are already local laws in place shouldn't people be obeying them anyway?

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